Searching for Vernon Hills Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Vernon Hills Cost Of Living data.
Vernon Hills, Illinois Cost of Living
Vernon Hills cost of living is 111.6. Housing is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. The median home price in Vernon Hills is $317,900. See Listings. $643,990. 682 Cuneo Boulevard. Bed 4 Bath 3539SqFt. $643,990. 682 Cuneo Boulevard.
Vernon Hills, Illinois Cost Of Living - AreaVibes
Homeowners in Vernon Hills have a median income of $112,216. Therefore, the amount that a consumer should spend on housing costs should be no more than $2,618 per month to avoid calamity and poverty. The renters in the city have an income of about $49,407, which would make their monthly maximum allowable rental costs $1,153.
Cost of Living in Vernon Hills, Illinois. Updated Aug 2020 ...
The cost of housing in Vernon Hills is more expensive than the United States average and earns a score of 3 out of 10. A cost of housing score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest. The following are collected for use in determining the cost of housing score: square footage, monthly rent, home prices, and utilities.
Cost of Living in Vernon Hills, Illinois – 24/7 Wall St.
The typical renter in Vernon Hills spends $1,589 a month on housing, about the same as the $1,023 national median monthly rent. In addition to home value, one of the largest determinants of ...
Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in Vernon Hills ...
Vernon Hills, IL area prices were up 0.8% from a year ago. The largest increases were found in Transportation, Food, and Housing. By using's Cost of Living Calculator, you can make a cost of living comparison of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and salary differentials of over 300+ US cities.
Vernon Hills, IL Cost Of Living Report - HomeSnacks
According to the most recent data on the cost of living, Vernon Hills has an overall cost of living index of 124 which is 1.2x higher than the national index of 100. Compared to only Illinois, Vernon Hills has a cost of living index that's 1.3x higher than Illinois's index of 98.. The standard of living in Vernon Hills ranks as #5005 most affordable out of the 6522 places we measured in Illinois.
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Vernon Hills ...
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: Vernon Hills, Illinois vs Kenosha, Wisconsin. A salary of $100,000 in Vernon Hills, Illinois could decrease to $75,490 in Kenosha, Wisconsin (assumptions include Homeowner, no Child Care, and Taxes are not considered. Click here to customize .)
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Vernon Hills ...
- Overall, Vienna, Virginia is 64.7% more expensive than Vernon Hills, Illinois - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost is 148% more expensive in Vienna.
2020 Compare Cities Cost of Living: Lincolnshire, IL vs ...
Vernon Hills is 15.9% less expensive than Lincolnshire. Vernon Hills housing costs are 33.2% less expensive than Lincolnshire housing costs. Health related expenses are 0.0% less in Vernon Hills.
2020 Compare Cities Cost of Living: Memphis, TN vs Vernon ...
Vernon Hills is 46.8% more expensive than Memphis. Vernon Hills housing costs are 270.6% more expensive than Memphis housing costs. Health related expenses are 2.1% more in Vernon Hills.