Searching for Vernal Utah Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Vernal Utah Cost Of Living data.
Vernal, Utah Cost of Living
Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Vernal is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Vernal, Utah is more expensive. Vernal cost of living is 93.7
Vernal, Utah Cost Of Living - AreaVibes
The cost of living in Vernal is 5% lower than the Utah average; The cost of living in Vernal is 3% lower than the national average; Vernal housing is 7% lower than the national average; Utah general sales tax is 17% higher than the national average; Utah state income tax is 123% higher than the national average
Cost of Living in Vernal, Utah – 24/7 Wall St.
For a single adult living in the area, average health care costs come out to $4,303 per year, compared to an average of $3,689 across Utah and $4,266 nationwide. Child care Costs in Vernal, Utah
Vernal, UT Cost Of Living Report - HomeSnacks
According to the most recent data on the cost of living, Vernal has an overall cost of living index of 97 which is 1.0x lower than the national index of 100. Compared to only Utah, Vernal has a cost of living index that's 0.9x lower than Utah's index of 103.. The standard of living in Vernal ranks as #2809 most affordable out of the 6522 places we measured in Utah.
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Vernal, Utah to St ...
- Overall, St. George, Utah is 10.6% more expensive than Vernal, Utah - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost …
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Logan, Utah to ...
- Overall, Vernal, Utah is 0.0% more expensive than Logan, Utah - Food is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Food is 9% more expensive in Vernal.
Best Places to Live in Vernal, Utah
The unemployment rate in Vernal is 4.8% (U.S. avg. is 3.7%). Recent job growth is Positive. Vernal jobs have increased by 0.8%. More Economy. COST OF LIVING Compared to the rest of the country, Vernal's cost of living is 6.3% lower than the U.S. average. More Cost of Living or Compare Vernal's Cost of Living. WEATHER & CLIMATE
2020 Compare Cities Cost of Living: Vernal, UT vs ...
Compare Vernal, Utah Cost of Living vs Roosevelt, Utah Cost of Living: Taxes, Childcare, Groceries, Health... Compare Now. ZIPS IN VERNAL, UTAH 84078 ZIPS IN ROOSEVELT, UTAH 84066. LEARN MORE ABOUT VERNAL, UTAH Overview Cost of Living Job …
Living In Vernal, UT
Livability70 AmenitiesA-Cost of LivingC CrimeC EmploymentD+ HousingC+ SchoolsF User RatingsB- Vernal 70 Average Vernal Livability #141 ranked city in Utah #12,926 ranked city in the USA Ranks better than 55% of areas3.5/5(1)
Vernal, UT Official Website
Property owners at 67 South 200 West and 95 South 200 West have requested a boundary adjustment. Read on...