Searching for Venezula Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Venezula Cost Of Living data.
Cost of Living in Venezuela - 2020 prices.
Summary of cost of living in Venezuela. Family of four estimated monthly costs: $273 (73,909,430 Bs.S.) Single person estimated monthly costs: $140 (37,822,573 Bs.S.) WARNING! These estimates are based on only a few data points.
Cost of Living in Venezuela. Prices in Venezuela. Updated ...
Cost of living in Venezuela is 32.48% lower than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Venezuela is, on average, 73.50% lower than in United States.
Cost of Living in Venezuela. [October 2020 Updated]
Venezuela is a country in South America and home to world’s greatest wonders: the highest waterfall, Angel Falls, the second longest river in South America, the Orinoco, and the longest coastline on the Caribbean sea. Venezuela cost of living is relative. It can be the worlds most expensive country, or the cheapest: namely, there are […]
Cost of living and prices in Venezuela, prices of food ...
Total cost of living in Venezuela for two person with average consumption for one month will be $ 715.93, no rent price included. Cost of Living Estimate in Venezuela. You can calculate cost of living in Venezuela by changing quantity using input near each good or service. Resulting total will appear in a floating box in the bottom of your screen.
Cost of Living in Caracas. Sep 2020. Prices in Caracas
Absolutely wrong! Your cost of living compilation is way out of reality. I will built a more realistic list based in the real exchange rate ( black market) Venezuela might be the cheapest country in the world if you calculate the black market exchange rate. But keep in mind the standard of live is also one of the lowest in the world.