Searching for Total Cost Of Living In Pennsylvania information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Total Cost Of Living In Pennsylvania data.
Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in Pennsylvania ...
21 rows · A comparison of the Cost of Living indexes across major Pennsylvania Cities compared to the national average. The calculations are based on the total cost of energy, food, healthcare, housing and transportation, among other factors.
Pennsylvania Cost of Living - Best Places to Live
COST OF LIVING: Pennsylvania: United States Overall: 92.5: 100 Grocery: 100.3: 100 Health: 97: 100 Housing: 75.1: 100 Median Home Cost: $173,700: $231,200 Utilities: 98.2: 100 Transportation: 104: 100 Miscellaneous: 99: 100
Cost of Living - PA Department of Community & Economic ...
Whether you live in a major metro area or in one of our many small towns, Pennsylvania is a great place to do business and build a home. Our cost of living is extremely competitive with surrounding states, our real estate is affordable, and our healthcare system offers some of the best hospitals in the nation.
The Average Cost of Living in Pennsylvania Clever Real ...
Jul 28, 2019 · According to May 2019 data from Zillow, median home values in Pennsylvania have risen over the past 12 months by 3.3% to $173,100. These values are predicted to increase by another 1% over the next 12 months. The median price of homes listed in Pennsylvania is $224,990, while the median price of homes sold is $172,500.
Cost of Living in Pennsylvania PayScale
Cost of Living Pennsylvania Whether you're planning for an upcoming move or just curious about the cost of living in other cities, the PayScale Cost of Living Calculator is the place to begin your ...
Cost of Living In Pennsylvania - AreaVibes
These cities have the lowest cost of living in all of Pennsylvania. Listed above are the most affordable places to live in Pennsylvania with a population of more than 5,000 people. To calculate the most affordable cities in Pennsylvania, the cost of living index for each city was calculated, then compared to the national average of 100.
Cost of Living in Pennsylvania (PA), State of Pennsylvania ...
The cost of living in Pennsylvania is lower than the national average. State of Pennsylvania salaries average $52,460.00, indicating a pay rate that is lower than the U.S. average annual salary by $1,161.00. The consumer price index (CPI) of 244 in Pennsylvania is 0.41% lower than the U.S. city average CPI of 245. The sales tax is 6.00%.