Searching for State With The Highest Cost Of Living By State information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to State With The Highest Cost Of Living By State data.
America's 10 most expensive states to live in 2019
Jul 10, 2019 · 2019 Cost of Living score: 1 out of 50 points (Top States Grade: F) Most expensive area: Honolulu Average home price: $1,158,492 Half gallon of milk: $4.18 Monthly energy bill: $388.65 Doctor ...
Cost Of Living Index by State 2020 - World Population
States with the Highest Cost of Living. The state with the highest cost of living index is Hawaii, whose index is 192.9. This means that the cost of living in Hawaii is 92.9% higher than the U.S. average. Hawaii’s housing index is 318.6, where a two-bedroom costs about $1,895 per month and the median home value is about $660,000.
Cost of Living by State - States with Lowest Cost of Living
Apr 10, 2020 · The states and area with the highest cost of living are Hawaii, the District of Columbia and California. On the other side, Mississippi, Tennessee and New Mexico have the lowest cost of living. We analyzed eight factors when gauging the cost of living:
Average Cost of Living by State: Charts, Lists, & Tools
Sep 14, 2020 · Average cost of living by state. Cost of living data can vary depending on what factors are analyzed (e.g., housing) and who conducts the study. Our chart below lists the following critical cost of living information: Annual mean wage for all occupations ; …
Most Expensive States To Live In 2020 - World Population
New York has the most expensive housing, with the average cost of a home at $1,901,222. Rent in New York is also known to be one of the highest in the country with an average rent of $3,667. The closer one lives to New York City, the more expensive it is to live in the state.
Best States for Affordability US News Best States
Iowa ranks first in the nation for affordability. Ohio places second in this subcategory, followed by Indiana, Oklahoma and Michigan. Explore more about the most affordable states below.