Sandpoint Cost Of Living

Searching for Sandpoint Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Sandpoint Cost Of Living data.

Sandpoint, Idaho Cost of Living - Best Places to Live
    Sandpoint cost of living is 101.0. Housing is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. The median home price in Sandpoint is $306,700. See Listings. $339,000. 514 Fir St. Bed 1 Bath 1 1196SqFt. $339,000. 514 Fir St.

Cost of Living in Sandpoint, Idaho. Updated Aug 2020 ...
    The cost of housing in Sandpoint is more expensive than the United States average and earns a score of 4 out of 10. A cost of housing score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest. The following are collected for use in determining the cost of housing score: square footage, monthly rent, home prices, and utilities.

Cost of Living in Sandpoint, Idaho. Aug 2020. Prices in ...
    Cost of Living in Sandpoint. Compare Sandpoint, ID with: We need more contributors for Sandpoint, ID to increase our data quality. Do you live in Sandpoint, ID? Add data for Sandpoint, ID. Consider looking into aggregate data for Average in United States.

Sandpoint, Idaho Cost Of Living - AreaVibes
    Sandpoint has a median income of about $55,911 for people who own homes. Based on that number, a maximum of $1,305 should be spent on expenses related to housing. Renters have a slightly different median income, which is $21,847.

Cost of Living in Sandpoint in Jun 2020 - Nomad List
    The Cost of Living in Sandpoint is average. A single person costs: $2,058 per month. A family costs: $5,045 per month. A single traveler costs: $3,070 per month. Monthly rent costs: $1,115 per month. Coffee costs: $3.83. Sandpoint is 45% cheaper than New York City.3.5/5(191)

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