Monthly Cost Of Living Watsonville

Searching for Monthly Cost Of Living Watsonville information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Monthly Cost Of Living Watsonville data.

Watsonville, California Cost of Living
    Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Watsonville is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Watsonville, California is more expensive. Watsonville cost of living is 147.6

Salary Expert - Cost of Living in Watsonville, California ...
    The cost of housing in Watsonville is more expensive than the United States average and earns a score of 3 out of 10. A cost of housing score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest. The following are collected for use in determining the cost of housing score: square footage, monthly rent, home prices, and utilities.

Watsonville, California Cost Of Living
    The percent of monthly income spent on housing can be a good indicator of the affordability of housing in Watsonville, CA, as well as the overall cost of living. As a general rule of thumb, the debt-to-income ratio (DTI) for homeowners or renters should be not more than 28 percent of gross income to be spent on housing related costs and not ...

2020 Cost of Living Calculator ... - Sperling's BestPlaces
    - Overall, Watsonville, California is 22.7% cheaper than Capitola, California - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost is 35% cheaper in Watsonville.

Cost of Living in Watsonville - Numbeo
    Average prices of more than 40 products and services in Watsonville, CA, United StatesFeb 2020. Prices of restaurants, food, transportation, utilities and housing are included.

Cost of Living in Watsonville, California – 24/7 Wall St.
    Using cost of living data from the nonprofift think tank Economic Policy Institute, 24/7 Wall St. estimated the cost of living in Watsonville and over 29,000 other cities and towns in the US.

Watsonville Assisted Living
    The median cost of assisted living in Watsonville for a single-occupancy apartment is $4,200/month (Genworth - 2013). This monthly cost typically includes rent, …

Montecito Manor - Assisted Living Cost & Reviews
    Montecito Manor is a large assisted living facility located in Watsonville, CA. The cost at this community starts at $4,150, while the average cost for a senior living community in Watsonville, CA is $5,500. These are estimated prices. Our Watsonville senior living experts can provide the most up-to-date prices and availability.

Living In Watsonville, CA - AreaVibes
    Living in Watsonville, CA. Watsonville is a moderately-sized city located in the state of California. The city has a population of 52,915 inhabitants. Watsonville has a population density of 7,912 people per square mile. This would be considered well above the national population density level.

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