Searching for Kuai Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Kuai Cost Of Living data.
Kauai County, Hawaii Cost of Living
Kauai County cost of living is 157.5. Housing is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. The median home price in Kauai is $571,400. See Listings. $1,749,000. 5645-E Kahiliholo Rd # 4. Bed 4 Bath 3 3240SqFt. $1,749,000. 5645-E Kahiliholo Rd # 4.
Cost of Living in Kauai in Oct 2020 - Nomad List
The Cost of Living in Kauai is very high. A single person costs: $2,671 per month. A family costs: $5,341 per month. A single traveler costs: $6,125 per month. Monthly rent costs: $1,200 per month. Coffee costs: $3.83. Kauai is 28% cheaper than New York City.2.9/5(203)
Living in Kauai - Moving Advice, Cost of Living, & More ...
Jan 14, 2017 · With Kauai being such a small island, many may be wondering about what job opportunities there are on the island. This year, the minimum wage in the state of Hawaii was raised to $10.10. The average income on Kauai is $62,946, which is significantly higher than the U.S. average of $53,482.
Living Wage Calculator - Living Wage Calculation for Kauai ...
22 rows · Living Wage Calculation for Kauai County, Hawaii. The living wage shown is the hourly …
Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in Honolulu ...
Compare the Cost of Living in Honolulu, Hawaii against another US Cities and States.'s Cost of Living Calculator lets you compare the cost of living and salary differentials State to State or over 300+ US cities. See what you'll need to earn to keep your current standard of living wherever you choose to work and live.
Cost of Living in Honolulu, Hawaii. Updated Prices Oct 2020.
Oct 08, 2020 · Family of four estimated monthly costs: $5,665. Single person estimated monthly costs: $3,340. Cost of living in Honolulu, Hawaii is more expensive than in 88% of cities in USA (7 out of 50) Cost of living in Honolulu, Hawaii is more expensive than in 89% of cities in N. America (8 out of 62)
Cost of Living in Honolulu, Hawaii. Oct 2020. Prices in ...
The ongoing trend for migration to Hawaii is living on the beach as permanent campers. No taxes and no rent. Parolees from the U.S. mainland receive a one way ticket to anywhere there choose and many choose Hawaii as the weather is great and virtually no cost or a very low cost of living as the ancient hawaiians once did.
Cost of Living in Maui. Updated Prices Jun 2020.
Jun 05, 2020 · Monthly rent for 85 m2 (900 sqft) furnished accommodation in expensive area. $2,503. Monthly rent for 85 m2 (900 sqft) furnished accommodation in normal area. $1,963. Utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas ...) for 2 people in 85m2 flat. $279.