Kalkaska Mi Cost Of Living

Searching for Kalkaska Mi Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Kalkaska Mi Cost Of Living data.

Kalkaska, Michigan Cost of Living

    Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Kalkaska is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Kalkaska, Michigan is more expensive. Kalkaska cost of living is 78.0

Kalkaska, MI Cost of Living - AreaVibes

    The cost of living in Kalkaska is 8% lower than the Michigan average; The cost of living in Kalkaska is 18% lower than the national average; Kalkaska housing is 52% lower than the national average; Michigan general sales tax is 18% higher than the national average; Michigan state income tax is 72% higher than the national average

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Kalkaska, Michigan ...

    Cost of Living Indexes: Kalkaska, MI: Gobles, MI: Difference: Overall Index: Homeowner, No Child care, Taxes Not Considered: 78: 84.8: 8.7% more: Food & Groceries: 91.0: 93.4: 2.6% more: Housing (Homeowner) 39.8: 56.1: 41.0% more: Median Home Cost: $92,000: $129,600: $37,600 (40.9% more) Utilities: 97.7: 101.2: 3.6% more: Transportation: 100.4: 103.5: 3.1% more: Health: 85.8: 89.3: 4.1% …

Cost of Living in Kalkaska, Michigan – 24/7 Wall St.

    Housing is one of the largest components of cost of living. In Kalkaska, the median home value is $83,500, less than the national median home value of $204,900. Renting is a sometimes lower cost...

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Alpena, Michigan ...

    Cost of Living Indexes: Alpena, MI: Kalkaska, MI: Difference: Overall Index: Homeowner, No Child care, Taxes Not Considered: 71.8: 78: 8.6% more: Food & Groceries: 89.8: 91.0: 1.3% more: Housing (Homeowner) 37.4: 39.8: 6.4% more: Median Home Cost: $86,500: $92,000: $5,500 (6.4% more) Utilities: 95.2: 97.7: 2.6% more: Transportation: 71.1: 100.4: 41.2% more: Health: 92: 85.8: 6.7% less: …

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Crawfordville ...

    Cost of Living Indexes: Crawfordville, FL: Kalkaska, MI: Difference: Overall Index: Homeowner, No Child care, Taxes Not Considered: 96.8: 78: 19.4% less: Food & Groceries: 98.3: 91.0: 7.4% less: Housing (Homeowner) 75.2: 39.8: 47.1% less: Median Home Cost: $173,800: $92,000: $81,800 (47.1% less) Utilities: 110.3: 97.7: 11.4% less: Transportation: 110.6: 100.4: 9.2% less: Health: 127.8: 85.8: 32.9% …

Living In Kalkaska, MI

    Find out where to live in and near Kalkaska, MI. Buy Rent Livability . Livability Area ... A-Kalkaska Cost of Living Cost of living is 8% lower than Michigan. Kalkaska. 8218% less expensive than the US average. Michigan. 8911% less expensive than the US average. United States.3.3/5(1)

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