Searching for Jubail Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Jubail Cost Of Living data.
Cost of Living in Jubail. Sep 2020. Prices in Jubail
Summary about cost of living in Jubail, Saudi Arabia: Four-person family monthly costs: 2,739.04$ (10,275.41﷼) without rent (using our estimator). A single person monthly costs: 762.67$ (2,861.15﷼) without rent. Cost of living index in Jubail is 47.54% lower than in New York. Rent in Jubail is, on average, 88.20% lower than in New York.
Cost of Living in Jubail. Updated Prices Oct 2020.
Oct 08, 2020 · Summary of cost of living in Jubail. Family of four estimated monthly costs: ﷼ 11,049. Single person estimated monthly costs: ﷼ 4,788. WARNING! These estimates are based on only a few data points. At the moment, you should treat them only as …
Cost of living and prices in Jubail(Al Jubayl), prices of ...
Total cost of living in Jubail for two person with average consumption for one month will be $ 792.17, no rent price included. Cost of Living Estimate in Jubail You can calculate cost of living in Jubail by changing quantity using input near each good or service. Resulting total will appear in a …
Cost of Living and Salaries in Jubail, 2020 data.
Cost of Living in Jubail. Consult all the information in order to know how much it would cost you to live in Jubail (Saudi Arabia) whether you are traveling, living, working, vacationing or just curious. Below, we have made complete lists of data based on the cost of a wide variety of products, goods and services.
Cost of living in Jubail, Saudi Arabia 2020 - Cost To Travel
Cost of living in Jubail. Have more accurate data for the cost of living in Jubail? Please help us update it. Thank you! Price in Jubail, Cheap Expensive. 40% Complete (success) 2096 /13,551 Most expensive cities in the world. Travel Price Taxi (Initial Fare) $0.582(~2.18 SAR) Fuel (Per Litre) ...
Cost of living in Jubail
Cost of living in Jubail. View the cost of groceries, restaurants, and more. Compare the cost of living in Jubail with any other location in the world.
Jubail, Saudi Arabia Salary PayScale
Sep 13, 2020 · The average salary in Jubail is SAR 96k. Trends in wages decreased by -100.0 percent in Q2 2020. The cost of living in Jubail is 100 percent higher than the national average…
cost of living - Al Jubail Forum - Tripadvisor
Answer 1 of 3: Im an indian moving to jubail witihn a month.can u pls tell me about the cost of living, good componds and furnished apartments.good atmosphere for my family. and i …
Cost of living in Jubail - expat
Quering living cost - Jubail. Last post 7 years ago by vivek22 3. replies. 2k. Views. 3. replies. 2k. Views. Cost of living Cost of living and salary in Jubail. Last post 7 years ago by trevorcox 16. replies. 10k. Views. 16. replies. 10k. Views. Cost of living hi evryone. Last post 8 years ago by Christine 1. reply. 1k.
Jubail living cost for single & married. - Al Jubail Forum ...
Re: Jubail living cost for single & married. 4 years ago. Save. For single person normally the company will provide accommodation. If not provided, you can take a room outside. A fully furnished single room with washroom and small kitchen like area will cost around 800 to 2000 SAR per month.