Jersey Cost Of Living

Searching for Jersey Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Jersey Cost Of Living data.

Moving to Jersey: Cost of living - Government of Jersey
    Cost of living in Jersey. Cost of living in Jersey can be high compared to other countries, although salaries are often comparably higher too. You can view on the Numbeo website how much it costs to live in Jersey compared to where you live now. Cost of taxes and Social Security contributions. The cost of personal income tax rate is a maximum of 20%.

Retail prices index (inflation) - Government of Jersey
    (12-month change) Read the latest RPI report. The Retail Prices Index (RPI) is the main measure of inflation in Jersey. It measures the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by households and is sometimes referred to as the 'cost of living'. The annual percentage changes in the RPI since March 1989 are shown in the chart below.

Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in New Jersey ...
    34 rows · New Jersey is ranked number 14 out of all states in overall healthcare access and …

Cost of Living in Jersey. Prices in Jersey. Updated Aug 2020
    Cost of Living in Jersey Select city in Jersey: Cost of living in Jersey is 123.24% higher than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Jersey is, on average, 40.05% higher than in United States.

Cost of Living in Jersey - 2020 prices.
    Summary of cost of living in Jersey. Family of four estimated monthly costs: £4,224 Single person estimated monthly costs: £2,590 WARNING! These estimates are based on only a few data points.

Jersey City, New Jersey Cost of Living
    COST OF LIVING: Jersey City: New Jersey: USA Overall: 146.8: 120.4: 100 Grocery: 107.9: 105.8: 100 Health: 91.5: 88.4: 100 Housing: 209.9: 142.4: 100 Median Home Cost: $485,300: $329,300: $231,200 Utilities: 111.9: 109.2: 100 Transportation: 153.7: 127.7: 100 Miscellaneous: 107.6: 108.7: 100

Cost of Living in Jersey City, NJ PayScale
    Cost of Living in Jersey City, New Jersey Jersey City, New Jersey's cost of living is 31% higher than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your...

New Jersey Cost of Living - Sperling's BestPlaces
    COST OF LIVING: New Jersey: United States Overall: 120.4: 100 Grocery: 105.8: 100 Health: 88.4: 100 Housing: 142.4: 100 Median Home Cost: $329,300: $231,200 Utilities: 109.2: 100 Transportation: 127.7: 100 Miscellaneous: 108.7: 100

Jersey Citizens Advice - Cost of Living Index - how to ...
    82 rows · Jersey's Cost of Living Index is also known as the Retail Price Index. It is not strictly a …

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