Searching for Green Bay Cost Of Living information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Green Bay Cost Of Living data.
Green Bay, Wisconsin Cost of Living
9 rows · Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Green ...
Cost of Living in Green Bay, WI PayScale
Cost of Living in Green Bay, Wisconsin by Expense Category Housing, Utilities & Transportation Green Bay's housing expenses are 19% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 3%...
Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in Green Bay ...
Green Bay, WI area prices were up 1.3% from a year ago. The largest increases were found in Transportation, Food, and Housing. By using's Cost of Living Calculator, you can make a cost of living comparison of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and salary differentials of over 300+ US cities.
Cost of Living in Green Bay, WI. Prices Updated Jul 2020.
Green Bay costs $3,721 per month to live and work remotely with 38 mbps internet speed, is a okay place for digital nomads to live. Today it's 27°C with good air quality (25 µg/m3). See cost of living, internet speed, weather and other metrics about United States as a …3.3/5(199)
Cost of Living in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Updated Prices Oct ...
Oct 06, 2020 · Summary of cost of living in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Family of four estimated monthly costs: $3,797 Single person estimated monthly costs: $2,050 WARNING! These estimates are based on data that may have some inconsistencies at the moment.
Green Bay, Wisconsin Cost Of Living - AreaVibes
In Green Bay, homeowners have a median income of $59,597. Using that number, a maximum of $1,391 per month should be allocated to housing expenses. For those who are renting instead of owning, the median income is $26,165, which means there is a maximum of $610 to be spent on the costs of renting a home or apartment.