Searching for Cost Of Living In Maastricht Netherlands information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Cost Of Living In Maastricht Netherlands data.
Cost of Living in Maastricht. Oct 2020. Prices in Maastricht
Summary about cost of living in Maastricht, Netherlands: Four-person family monthly costs: 3,419.71$ (2,890.50€) without rent (using our estimator). A single person monthly costs: 953.01$ (805.53€) without rent. Cost of living index in Maastricht is 23.90% lower than in New York. Rent in Maastricht is, on average, 64.53% lower than in New York.
Cost of Living in Maastricht, Netherlands. Oct 2020 prices ...
Oct 08, 2020 · Summary of cost of living in Maastricht. Family of four estimated monthly costs: €3,823 Single person estimated monthly costs: €1,919 WARNING! These estimates are based on data that may have some inconsistencies at the moment.
Cost of Living in Maastricht. Netherlands [October 2020 ...
Salaries in Maastricht are very high taking into consideration their expenses, but their general standard of living is high – a typical standard of the Netherlands as a whole. With a minimum wage reaching above 1500$, a citizen of Maastricht can live in this country and cover all their expenses.
Maastricht, Netherlands Cost of living and prices in ...
Estimated cost of living in Maastricht for a month without rent Total cost of living in Maastricht for two person with average consumption for one month will be $ 1436.69, no rent price included. Cost of Living Estimate in Maastricht You can calculate cost of living in Maastricht by changing quantity using input near each good or service.
Living in Maastricht - Life@UM - Maastricht University
Living in Maastricht feels like a warm blanket. Living in Maastricht. Maastricht is a wonderful city to live in. Exactly the right size, inviting and lovely city centre, historic buildings besides cutting-edge architecture and industrial heritage. The city is vibrant, not in the least thanks to the many students, and there are lots of things to ...
Cost of Living in Netherlands - 2020 prices.
Summary of cost of living in Netherlands. Family of four estimated monthly costs: €4,307; Single person estimated monthly costs: €2,326; Cost of living in Netherlands is more expensive than in 76% of countries in Western Europe (5 out of 17) Cost of living in Netherlands is more expensive than in 87% of countries in the World (11 out of 78)
Cost of Living in Netherlands. Prices in Netherlands ...
Cost of living in Netherlands is 7.25% higher than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Netherlands is, on average, 6.64% lower than in United States.
Maastricht University, Netherlands: Ranking, Tuition Fees ...
Read also: Study In Netherlands: Tuition Fees, Cost Of Living and Admission Process RANKING. Maastricht university is ranked as the 88 th University in the world by Times Higher Education, in 2014, the faculty of Health Medicine and Life science was ranked 45 th in the world. it was ranked by QS World as the 118 th best University in the world and the top 300 universities by Academic Ranking ...
Budgeting your studies - Maastricht University
Studying may cost more than your realise. There are costs related directly to your study - such as tuition, books and other materials. ... So studying and living away from home costs about € 1100 per month. Based on NIBUD data, March 2017. ... 6211 LK Maastricht The Netherlands ...
Cost of living in the Netherlands: how much is enough ...
Oct 07, 2020 · To compare the Netherlands’ cost of living, a McDonald’s value meal is €7.50, a cup of coffee is around €3 to €3.5 and a pint of beer is between €3.50 and €5. Other typical expenses in the Netherlands include buying a bicycle, ... Maastricht; Cost of housing in the Netherlands .