Cost Of Living In Los Alamos Nm

Searching for Cost Of Living In Los Alamos Nm information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Cost Of Living In Los Alamos Nm data.

Los Alamos, New Mexico Cost of Living
    Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Los Alamos is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Los Alamos, New Mexico is more expensive. Los Alamos cost of living is 103.2

Los Alamos, New Mexico Cost Of Living - AreaVibes
    The cost of living in Los Alamos is 15% higher than the New Mexico average; The cost of living in Los Alamos is 5% higher than the national average; Los Alamos housing is 35% higher than the national average; New Mexico general sales tax is 1% higher than the national average; New Mexico state income tax is 31% lower than the national average

Living In Los Alamos, NM - HomeSnacks
    Mar 10, 2020 · Los Alamos, NM Cost Of Living. 105 Los Alamos's Overall Cost Of Living. 1.1x Higher Than The National Average Los Alamos, New Mexico Info Snack. Los Alamos (Spanish: Los Álamos, meaning "The Cottonwoods" or "The Poplars") is a town in Los Alamos County, New Mexico, United States that is recognized as the birthplace of the atomic bomb the ...

Cost of Living in Los Alamos, NM PayScale
    Los Alamos, New Mexico’s cost of living is 4% higher than the national average. Compare cost of living in Los Alamos with factors like salaries, housing expenses, groceries, utilities and more.

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Los Alamos, New ...
    - Overall, Albuquerque, New Mexico is 11.7% cheaper than Los Alamos, New Mexico - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost …

Cost of Living in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Updated Aug 2020 ...
    The cost of food in Los Alamos is more expensive than the United States average and earns a score of 3 out of 10.A cost of food score of 1 indicates most expensive while a 10 represents cheapest.

Living In Los Alamos, NM
    Find out where to live in and near Los Alamos, NM. Buy Rent Livability . Livability Area ... D+ Los Alamos Cost of Living Cost of living is 15% higher than New Mexico. Los Alamos. 1055% more expensive than the US average. New Mexico. 928% less expensive than the US average. United States.4.2/5(8)

Best Places to Live in Los Alamos, New Mexico
    COST OF LIVING Compared to the rest of the country, Los Alamos's cost of living is 3.2% higher than the U.S. average. More Cost of Living or Compare Los Alamos's Cost of Living. WEATHER & CLIMATE June, August and September are the most pleasant months in Los Alamos, while December and January are the least comfortable months.

Los Alamos, New Mexico Politics & Voting
    The Political Climate in Los Alamos, NM is Leaning liberal. Los Alamos County, NM is Leaning liberal. In Los Alamos County, NM 51.1% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 30.9% voted Republican, and the remaining 18.0% voted Independent.. Los Alamos county voted Democratic in the last three Presidential elections, after voting Republican in 2000 and 2004.

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