Searching for Cost Of Living In Lawrence Ks information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Cost Of Living In Lawrence Ks data.
Lawrence, Kansas Cost of Living
An amount below 100 means Lawrence is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Lawrence, Kansas is more expensive. Lawrence cost of living is 95.2. Housing is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. The median home price in Lawrence is $211,300. See Listings
Cost of Living Calculator Cost of Living in Lawrence ...
Compare the Cost of Living in Lawrence, Kansas against another US Cities and States.'s Cost of Living Calculator lets you compare the cost of living and salary differentials State to State or over 300+ US cities. See what you'll need to earn to keep your current standard of living wherever you choose to work and live.
Cost of Living in Lawrence, Kansas. Jun 2020. Prices in ...
Average prices of more than 40 products and services in Lawrence, KS, United StatesJun 2020. Prices of restaurants, food, transportation, utilities and housing are included.
Lawrence, Kansas Cost Of Living
The percent of monthly income spent on housing can be a good indicator of the affordability of housing in Lawrence, KS, as well as the overall cost of living. As a general rule of thumb, the debt-to-income ratio (DTI) for homeowners or renters should be not more than 28 percent of gross income to be spent on housing related costs and not more ...
Lawrence, KS Cost Of Living Report - HomeSnacks
According to the most recent data on the cost of living, Lawrence has an overall cost of living index of 93 which is 0.9x lower than the national index of 100. Compared to only Kansas, Lawrence has a cost of living index that's 1.0x higher than Kansas's index of 89.. The standard of living in Lawrence ranks as #2224 most affordable out of the 6522 places we measured in Kansas.
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Lawrence, Kansas ...
2020 Cost of Living Calculator: Lawrence, Kansas vs Chicago, Illinois Change Places . A salary of $90,000 in Lawrence, Kansas should increase to $106,126 in Chicago, Illinois (assumptions include Homeowner, no Child Care, and Taxes are not considered. Click here to customize.)
Cost of Living in Lawrence, Kansas. Updated Prices Oct 2020.
2 days ago · Summary of cost of living in Lawrence, Kansas. Family of four estimated monthly costs: $3,481 Single person estimated monthly costs: $1,639 WARNING! These estimates are currently based on just a small amount of data.
Best Places to Live in Lawrence, Kansas
COMPARE COST OF LIVING Compare Lawrence, Kansas to any other place in the USA. MAPS OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS Check out the latest Maps in a variety of categories including cost of living, population, and commute time. ZIP CODES IN LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66049 66044 66047 66046 66045. PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP.
Living In Lawrence, KS - AreaVibes
Living in Lawrence, KS. Located in the state of Kansas, Lawrence is a mid-sized city with a population of 92,611 residents. According to the most recent Census, 82% of Lawrence residents are White, 5% Asian and 4% Black.4/5(12)
The 5 Best Assisted Living Facilities in Lawrence, KS for 2020
Also serving communities of Tonganoxie. The average cost of assisted living in Lawrence is $3,886 per month. This is higher than the national median of $3,460.Cheaper nearby regions include Baldwin City with an average starting cost of $3,390. To help you with your search, browse the 29 reviews below for assisted living facilities in Lawrence. On average, consumers rate assisted living …