Chicago Cost Of Living Vs Seattle

Searching for Chicago Cost Of Living Vs Seattle information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Chicago Cost Of Living Vs Seattle data.

Cost of Living Comparison between Chicago, IL and Seattle ...
    The cost of living in Seattle, WA is 18.0% higher than in Chicago, IL. You would have to earn a salary of $70,802 to maintain your current standard of living. Employers in Seattle, WA typically pay 3.1% more than employeers in Chicago, IL. The same type of job in the same type of company in Seattle, WA will typically pay $61,839 .

2020 Compare Cities Cost of Living: Seattle, WA vs Chicago, IL
    Highlights Chicago is 38.0% less expensive than Seattle. Chicago housing costs are 67.9% less expensive than Seattle housing costs. Health related expenses are 6.3% more in Chicago.

2020 Compare Cities Cost of Living: Chicago, IL vs Seattle, WA
    Highlights. Seattle is 61.2% more expensive than Chicago. Seattle housing costs are 211.8% more expensive than Chicago housing costs. Health related expenses are 6.0% less in Seattle.

Cost of Living Comparison between Seattle, WA vs Chicago, IL
    The cost of living in Chicago, IL is -15.3% lower than in Seattle, WA. You would have to earn a salary of $50,846 to maintain your current standard of living. Employers in Chicago, IL typically pay -3.0% less than employers in Seattle, WA. The same type of job in the same type of company in Chicago, IL will typically pay $58,216.

Cost of living comparison between Seattle and Chicago ...
    If you want to compare the cost of Living in Seattle VS Chicago, please visit our page and find comprehensive information related to the prices of the groceries, taxi fare, hotel prices, and compare easily. You just need to type Seattle and Chicago in our compare tool to find pertinent information in an easy to understand list format.

Compare Cost Of Living in Chicago Vs Seattle for Family ...
    As per the data from our users average cost of living in Chicago, Us is expensive than Seattle, Us. Expenses for family in Chicago is cheaper than Seattle, and for bachelor/students its affordable to Chicago Vs Seattle.: + 11.5% Accomodation Cost Accomodation Cost in Chicago, US are 11.5% higher than in Seattle, US

Cost of Living Comparison Between Chicago, IL, United ...
    Cost of Living Comparison Between. Chicago, IL. and. Seattle, WA. You would need around 6,340.97$ in Seattle, WA to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 5,600.00 $ in Chicago, IL (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of …

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Chicago, Illinois ...
    - Overall, Seattle, Washington is 61.2% more expensive than Chicago, Illinois - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost is 211% more expensive in Seattle.

2020 Cost of Living Calculator: compare Seattle ...
    - Overall, Chicago, Illinois is 38.0% cheaper than Seattle, Washington- Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. - Median Home Cost is 67% cheaper in Chicago. 100 = US Average. (Below 100 means cheaper than the US average.

Cost of living vs. Chicago : Seattle
    The state of Washington taxes the ever living hell out of alcohol to the point where it's actually economical to just do a booze run to Portland every other month - the savings easily pay for the gas. I can't speak to Chicago burbs vs Seattle burbs but city to city it's not THAT big of a cost of living …

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