Average Cost Of Living Jakarta

Searching for Average Cost Of Living Jakarta information? On our website, we have collected a lot of different data on the cost of living. You will find links to both official statistics and people's impressions. Below are the most relevant links to Average Cost Of Living Jakarta data.

Cost of Living in Jakarta. Oct 2020. Prices in Jakarta

    Summary about cost of living in Jakarta, Indonesia: Four-person family monthly costs: 1,834.25$ (26,946,586.09Rp) without rent (using our estimator). A single person monthly costs: 535.93$ (7,873,165.90Rp) without rent. Cost of living index in Jakarta is 58.16% lower than in New York. Rent in Jakarta is, on average, 81.96% lower than in New York.

Cost of Living in Jakarta. Updated Prices Oct 2020.

    Oct 05, 2020 · Summary of cost of living in Jakarta. Family of four estimated monthly costs: Rp 37,838,984; Single person estimated monthly costs: Rp 20,684,634

Cost of Living in Jakarta in Oct 2020 - Nomad List

    The Cost of Living in Jakarta is low. A single person costs: $779 per month. A family costs: $1,866 per month. A single traveler costs: $1,157 per month. Monthly rent costs: $404 per month. Coffee costs: $1.70. Jakarta is 79% cheaper than New York City.3.7/5(1)

Cost of Living in Jakarta. Prices Updated Oct 2020.

    "Don't go to Jakarta" is what people from Jakarta tell you. But you do. It can't be that bad, right? Then you arrive. Although "arriving" is a big word for getting stuck in traffic first for hours. When you do finally arrive in your apartment, you open the windows and wonder why you can't see further than 10 meters. It must be a foggy day? No, it's not fog, it's smog, and it's an every day ...3.7/5(1)

Indonesia, Jakarta - Cost of Living

    The cost of living for expatriates in Jakarta as at October 2020 is low in comparison to other places in the world, with an overall Cost of Living Index (COLI), …

Cost of living in Jakarta, Indonesia - Teleport Cities

    Large apartment. $540 $1,200. $ 880. Median rent in city center. -36 %. Compared to average rent of all cities.

What is the Expat Living Cost in Jakarta?

    Jan 15, 2014 · Spoiled expat: chooses to live western lifestyle in Jakarta. Rent. Renting a 50m2 apartment in a “good” area of Jakarta costs about 500-1000 USD/mo. Most of the time “good” will mean either Central (Jakarta Pusat) or South (Jakarta Selatan). If you are looking to cut costs, it’s possible to rent a small apartment for 200-400 USD/mo.

Cost of Living in Indonesia - Cost of Live

    Cost of Living in Indonesia. Compare the average costs of living in cities in Indonesia like Batam, Surabaya, Jakarta, Bali.

Cost of Living in Indonesia - 2020 prices.

    Cost of living in Jakarta is 23% more expensive than in Rio de Janeiro; Cost of living in Ubud is 38% cheaper than in Austin, Texas; Cost of living in Ubud is 6% more expensive than in Ho Chi Minh City; Cost of living in Jakarta is 46% more expensive than in Malang; Cost of living in Denpasar, Bali is 58% cheaper than in Dubai

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